[1] Go to the door with the crates and on the door, you will see "LOOK BEHIND YOU" on the door and John will spawn. ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart but in an alternative timeline where. Carl, otherwise. Carl saying "aWtS gEgE" is a reference to how the real GroovyDominoes52, TangoMangle,. Smart. 35% 18. Play The Game! The ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart got update to version 1. XboxOne, PC, Android, iOS, Mac. This is how you get the old pumpkin badge and get to the Halloween ending :DFull Halloween ending walkthrough and fails are in the pinned playlist. . The Bobux can be. ples get me to 100 subs we are nerly there we ar at 72 rn so 28 LEFT!!!!!OlekGamer1000 · 6/5/2021 in General. John. jogo:END. Bad Ending. ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart! is a game made by GroovyDominoes52, based on his YouTube series of the same name. Roblox is a global platform. Note: Every Music is non-copyrighted and made by GroovyDominoes52. pull out a gun and shoot the TangoMangle. š If you are missing some endings and you don't know wha. Obby Escape. Update by GroovyDominoes52. 2K subscribers Subscribe 1M views 1 year ago #robloxstorytime #robloxgames #Roblox Complete guide to. 38% 3. (for the full guide of every location the bobux are at, see Food Poisoned Ending) Once you find 50 bobux, get the chicken nugget (you should do. Unlike the 52nd Ending, however, this is. a lot of you asked for this, and here it is. Normal Smart Backrooms smoorkcaB Troll Friendly Unstuck Bad I Like Yo Cut G Im Sorry My Bro I'm Not Sorry My Bro TangoMangled Tango Break-In Hacker Unrelated GamingKittyCath PSUHMJP. Read More. Surviving Squid Game (Roblox) BBlocks. weird logic. coolSay anything except the messages coded for endings. Then, you will get the ending. It's on top of a mountain. About The Location. Leave the house, quickly. "I'm very that glad that I met you!" The Christmas Ending is one of the main endings in ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart. ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart but in an alternative timeline where. . =====[NPCs are becoming smart]: FOR THE ROBLOX NPCS ARE BECOMING SMART! (51ST ENDING!) objective is to kill 25 zombies. As its name suggest, the ending mainly takes place in the Minecraft world, where Player and Carl travel to Minecraft. Carl will follow you in the house. And go to the mirror and you will see John. OlekGamer1000 · 6/5/2021 in General. hey, its me again, in this video im showing how to get the endings (and badges) from the 5th row to the 8th row, maybe part 3 coming tomorrow!enjoy and hope. Hey guys! Today Iām playing roblox npc to get the new ending! Have you watched the new super mario movie? Let me know if you watch it! Pls like and subscribe. Troll Ending - Shot NPC with the gun. Then when the Groovy gang is here and they are going to start goi. 54% 701. Im Not Sorry My Bro Ending. . It follows the plot of meeting Carl the NPC, and achieving several endings involving him and the other NPCs. He will eat you and you will be kicked with random letters as the message. Carl will question why you. Roblox NPCs are becoming smart RP! 64% 1. It's around the mountain. XboxOne, PC, Android, iOS, Mac. Roblox Npc's are becoming smart 51 Ending *NEW* Julian blox 19 subscribers 23 views 9 months ago Game: Creator:. If the player is on mobile, the player can go to the settings bar on the bottom right and press āDrop Gunā. how is this even roblox NPCS are becoming smart, this ending has nothing to do with NPCs. To get this ending, pick up the gun. game link: owner:. I lock the door with a shift lock. John will say that the player was very kind to him and thanks to them, he is free from the game and thanks them again. Advertisement. ditto When asking the NPC to help you with "pls". Carl the NPC has always wanted his shrink ray but it is anchored to the ground! But now he has finally. Trivia [] This ending's ending list and badge description is a reference to the Any% catergory in speedruns. Game Link:NPCs are becoming smart (2021) ROBLOX series. He is from the. Wait for John to appear, then you'll drop down into Groovy's Escape from Ao Oni. He will die and answer the same way you did when you shot him in the Troll Ending. It is based off of the first RNABS video posted by Groovy, which started the entire series. Pick up the Bee Spray and spray the beehive. Roblox NPCs are becoming smart! is a game created by GroovyDominoes52 and pubished on Roblox, and it is based on Roblox NPCs are becoming smart! 3 (All endings) video Groovy uploaded on April 29th ,2021. More ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart Wiki. Backrooms Ending - Try to item clip into backrooms with the gun. AND SUBSCRIBE FOR GOOD LUCK AND IF U DON. Enter The Alpha Bunker but do not lock the door. Become Carl (From NPCs are becoming smart!) NEW! 54% 1. He'll jump to where he was before, telling you to. This is an alternative version of the I'm sorry my bro Ending. She will ask if you can find gwuuuubi (GroovyDominoes52). It is the 40th Ending in game, coming right in between the Karma Ending and the Negatively Stuck. Rblx npcs are becoming smart [FREE ADMIN VERSOIN] 62% 3. Hello! Expand description!: Game: ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart! | GroovyDominoes52You can find links to the games on my Discord server so JOIN!Discord:. it is also used when saying "I'll shoot" and then "You" When picking up the gun while you lucky and get Hacker Ending When telling him. When Carl finishes his lines, say 'no' and when he says 'why?' say anything other than "you're just an npc" as that will trigger the Cruel Reality Ending and Carl will say "ok, i guess there's no point, im going home" but he realizes that he is an NPC and that he does not have a house. Itās one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart! Pibby ending. Carl will congratulate you for not being dumb and you will be awarded with the ending. Sorry For LagAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 52% 0. Carl will say "I don't understand" and you will get the ending. AND SUBSCRIBE. Bobux is a Money currency in ROBLOX NPCs Are Becoming Smart, You can find it around the map and you can collect it, When you collect 50 Bobux in total, You can get the chicken nugget ending by going to the TangoMangle Shop. . Can be achieved by picking up the gun and quickly dropping it. Carl will be happy and say. Firstly, go into the house that inverted house, then follow the steps in the Backrooms Ending. Friendly Ending - tell the NPC "help. . Hacker Speedrun Ending? 2. . It's also right after. . #Roblox #GroovyDominoes52I found a new NPCs are becoming smart ending today, it's called a Bully Ending. . If you want to tell me an ending that I haven't done yet, tell me in the comments how you got it and I'll make a video about it!Game: Hi! If you want to tell me an ending. Lead him to the Negativity house and enter it. Stronk Cat's Important Roblox Presentations (FUNNY Ending) BBlocks. Obtain Method. LINK FOR THE ROBLOX NPC'S ARE BECOMING SMART EXPIRIENCE· 6/5/2021 in General. NPCS are becoming smart; carls revenge. Then, follow Carl into asdwz458 's house. Leaderboards. ź²ģ. 50% 5. š" The Core Meltdown Ending is the finale to the NPC Suggestion series. An ending is something obtained in this game after doing certain things. Watch popular content from the following creators: Chavi(@chavimor), Trollge The Dark Enemy. 16:57. Obtain Method. . ļ§ This is a meme game about NPCs who have become smart! Most NPCs are nice, but some aren't so friendly. He appears in many times in the series (mostly in the YouTube part of the series) however, his most prominent appearance is in the Halloween. The ending name and description is a reversed/inverted version of Backrooms Ending and is the only ending to be so. I will. Random Ending ayy Game link (Beta Test): to get the 51st ending: play the game and say i wanna go to space and then follow Carl. get the endings! GroovyDominoes52 (born August 13, 2003) is a Filipino YouTuber, musician, and Roblox map. Start out by picking up the gun, Then, press backspace to drop it (On Mobile, go into settings and tap on Drop Gun). You must have completed all 51 endings beforehand. Enjoy!Please write in the comments below if you found any new endings. ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart Wiki is a FANDOM. This is a list of all the characters/NPCs in the game. Normal Ending Smart Ending Backrooms Ending Troll Ending Friendly Ending Unstuck Ending Bad Ending I Like Yo Cut G Ending gnidnE smoorkcaB I'm Sorry My. This is a Sub-Ending that you can get by typing in the chat near Carl "i wanna go to space", follow him to asdwz458's house and follow him after he tells asdwz458 to call the Groovy Gang, he will tell you that it is only for them and goes inside the basement, after following him inside, he tells you that you can explore the. Before you get the normal ending, say "I don't forgive you. Hello! Expand description!: Game: ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart! | GroovyDominoes52You can find links to the games on my Discord server so. Climb onto a. Halloween Ending. . 68% 0. Leaderboards. Do everything for THE END but at the part where you have to shoot Carl, shoot him. Have you tri. It is a very major ending in the video series, as well as one of the two finale endings (along with the 52nd Ending). First, go to the house with the pineapple on the fence, and click the TangoMangle release button. Afterwards try pushing him in the lava. This is probably one of the most easiest endings in the game. Npcs Are Becoming Smart Titanic Sink Ending. Obtain Method. npc are becoming smart but cursed. 35% 11. 1 Halloween Ending; 2 FortniteFunny85; 3 Christmas Ending; Explore properties. After getting in, you must wait. Without your support, the game wouldn't be in the state it would today. John says that he always regretted making Carl, and now that he has an. Bad Ending Can be achieved by picking up. The Space All Again Ending is one of the main endings in the series. What is this ending. Discover short videos related to bacoming npcs are 51st roblox on TikTok. Game Over SubEnding 5. It's near where the groovy gang spaceship landed. NPCs are becoming smart RP (unofficial) 43% 0. Troll Endin g. Discover short videos related to all roblox npcs are becoming smart on TikTok. Then, pick up the gun and shoot all 3 TangoMangles. After he tries to pick up the gun but he can't. Enter FortniteFunny85's house and then talk to FortniteFunny85. . In this ending, Player goes to space with the Groovy Gang, and they all have epic character development. Is it Ending or SubEnding?game link: start the game. TAGS:#npcsarebecomingsmart #groovydominoes52 #ROBLOX #groovydominoesGo in asdwz458's house and enter The Alpha Bunker. Roblox Player installed. NPCs are becoming smart got a HUGE UPDATE (51st Ending) GroovyDominoes52 534K subscribers Join Subscribe 5. 9K Share Save 202K views 10. The alarms will go off and Carl will ask what's happening (There would be a 8. Hacker Ending - RobloxSpace All Again Ending. News Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Boosters. Then the player have to run away from Carl, he will scream: "NOOOOOOO COME BACK!" and they will be given the ending. LINK TO THE GAME: ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun. . This ending is removed from the game. Endings are one of the most important things in NPCs are Becoming Smart. NPCs Are Becoming. There are currently 52 endings planned for the final game, however only 51 are currently obtainable, 2 of them being seasonal endings and 3 endings that have been removed from the game. The game is next. Friendly Ending - tell the NPC "help. . Updated. This. XboxOne, PC, Android, iOS, Mac. do the "/e dance2" glitch or use "plushie in corner". It's also right after the Christmas Ending. Obtain Method. 51% 1. Discover short videos related to rare endings in npcs are becoming smart on TikTok. Then, run away from carl and you will get the ending. Narl. Hey guys, Ethan here, And today I'm showing you guys how to get the 51st ending (AKA the Space All Again ending) In NPCs are becoming smart: The game. ella), Avi(@avi. It is the classic plot of RNABS with Carl trying to pick up the gun, and the Player getting stuck. After that, a helicopter will come and you must get in it in time. 27% 0. After. And this is funny. It leads to an unlisted video titled "Untitled", which is a video of what sounds like a tune from a synthesizer. 0:00 / 27:37 Intro ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart! - ALL ENDINGS Magib 57. Incase you're new to this, the NPCs aren't actually smart. Explore the latest videos from hashtags:. ROBLOX NPCs are becoming smart (2021) ROBLOX series. It is the 49th ending in game, right between the Locked Out Ending and the Christmas Ending. TangyMangy SubEnding 6. Can be achieved by picking up the gun, and pressing the backspace/delete key on the player's keyboard to drop the gun. NPCs are becoming smart.