ago. Relic Crew Application Form: Barakas, Lost Ark- [Relic] Barakas - [Legendary] Barakas - [Relic] Blackfang - [Legendary or Rare] Blackfang (Really hard to get Legendary Blackfang) - [Rare] Fordin (Speed) or [Relic] Wilhelm (For high resists) Ghost ship : Eibern’s Wound (Only for Ghost Ship) - [Relic or Legendary] Berald (Buff when you enter the Ghost Ship, no need other Sailors)Relic blackfang, Relic barakas, Relic Wilhelm, Legendary Wilhelm, Epic Wilhelm Which gives: -23 Kelp, 70 Sand, 10 Siren, 71 Cold, 53 Tempest, 67 Dead The tempest resist can be brought up to 60 with a ship skin leaving siren as the only bad resist. Rank 1 Estoque Sailors. Ever since the Great Pirate Bloodclaw went missing, she has led a quest to find him. Lost Ark Rapport, Lost Ark Global, News, Guide, Strategy, Tips, Screenshot, CommunityMain page. The amount of Fast Sailing recovered every time you sail a certain distance is + 5. 4 knots which is faster than the standard Estoque crew and you get. You could potentially sacrifice all the kelp to have a good tempest and dead ratio. Steel plate used to reinforce the ship decks. Worst part atm is getting 190 Charisma to unlock Blackfang's next tier of rapport. I've got enough coins to get the ship, already got relic Blackfang and I can also buy relic Barakas, I only do the daily sailing thing for the Una task lol, I also. Siren Seas Resistance 16. Cals, Lutia, Jederico, Blackfang, and Nineveh were also very cool to read. . Relic Wilhelm -> Punika Plumbcrab Fishing Guild Vessel for 144 288 Pirate Coins. The issue is getting a second Tear could take a hell of a long time since it's behind 40 sea bounties. Kelp Beds Seas Resistance -2. Kelp Beds Seas Resistance -12. You wont have enough speed to catch up to Astrey thats also with full relic sailor. Ship Stats. Obtain Normal Eshu Obtain Rare Catherine Obtain Epic Rosa Obtain Relic BlackfangLike, Comment, Subscribe!TARGET IS 3000-3299me on TwitchStreaming Nightly!Feel free to stop in the stream and ask me questi. Sort by: Rating ⇡ Date ⇡. The biggest key point of this crew member is that it adds 2. Level: 1. 10. Relic blackfang Legendary blackfang Relic barakas Relic Wilhelm Legendary wilhelm Replace relic blackfang with legendary barakas if you don’t have a good dead waters resist ship and need to do an event in dead seas. Sandstorm Seas Resistance 11. An ancient relic of Encavia, a kingdom that prospered in Yudia ages ago. 3. Buy price: 100. Siren Seas Resistance -10. Cold Snap Seas Resistance 5. For example, the bunny ears you get from completing the "quests" from the training area (not training room) gives you +5. Captain of the Black Fox and a very charismatic pirate. An item used to increase Rapport with NPCs. Passive. Astray and Estoque resistances. Minus ghostship content. They don't tell you that the relic version of blackfang lowers your tempest and deadwater resists even more than epic blackfang does. Taunt – Exchange with Blackfang at Freedom Isle for Gienah’s Coin; Threaten – Island Token Rewards, 10 tokens; Wave Dance – Island Token Rewards, 35 tokens; Whistle – Reputation Rewards Lv. i. Blackfang is another popular rapport bomb target but she has 2 dialogues in Friendly 1 (iirc) that give more than 5k+ rapport points (I think it was like 9k). You can get it for each channel. I have a battle plan to close the gap, and hoping I can pick up the remaining 20 via quests on various islands / when I hit T2. Relic Blackfang -> Island of Mist*. I disagree *if* you plan to do sailing events and don't want to swap crews (I'm lazy). Crew is an essential part of Sailing in Lost Ark. the merchant has 9 seamen. Still missing. They can be acquired in various ways. When you give the NPC a gift they prefer, they will reward you with much more Rapport Experience than if you gave them just any other gift. 1. kr. I cant find someone who actually knows how to elaborate on this. Click the magnifying glass next to the NPC. If you want a bit more speed, you can replace Wilheim with Legendary or Epic Blackfang. You cannot give this item as a gift more than once, so think carefully before deciding who you want to give it to. Kelp Beds Seas Resistance -3. Blackfang (Relic) The best crew member for the Astray is the Relic version. She's looking for Bloodclaw, the legendary pirate who went missing. Reply. ID: 10901. Blackfang's Den. You need to unlock Trusted rapport with Blackfang, for that you need to interact with her every day and use the emotes and songs, you can also speed it up by giving her gifts,. Siren Seas Resistance -13. Went to Atropos and the vendor there had it. Bloodclaw's Dagger. 5 when I use fast sailing. To answer your question, mine will be at level 7 for a while aswell and I'll roll with Relic Blackfang, Legendary Wilhelm & Barakas and will use the last slot depending on what kinda event I do. 1. Relic Rarity Blackfang: An essential component for the Astray Ship. Tempest Seas Resistance 9. DeathLapse Sorceress • Additional comment actions. Then ship to 10. Unsellable. Note that you need level 10 on the ship to use all 5 crew. 3 knots. ago. Astray Operation Manual. And for speed. English only comments. Normal Sailing Speed +2. [Exchange] Island of Mist - Keith. " The charismatic captain of the Black Fox. 2 Knots. Tailwind. Personally I’m going for: Relic Blackfang - 8k Sun Coins Relic Barakas - 14k Sun Coins Legendary Barakas - 8k Raid Seals Legendary Wilhelm - 8k Raid Seals Epic. A Volcarona appears at the end of the maze, and can be caught after the player has defeated Ghetsis and Team Plasma at N's. Ironically this requires you to sacrifice Blackfang. e. It's really about the blackfang go fast perk. Base Sailing Speed +0. Relic is 90. 2. Each NPC has gifts that they react to better and which gives you more Rapport with them. solved in comments below but for new people: Legendary blackfang will come from the chests found in the gates of whatever. Crew is also a category in the Codex' Sailing category and lists all the Crew Application Forms. This is a long dungeon, so feel free to set it to normal difficulty if you’re on your own. [Exchange - Island of Mist] Keith. Base Sailing Speed +0. look it up, mostly merchant ships (Relic Blackfang, Relic Barakas, Relic Wilheim) and stronghold trader (you get from yorn and punika merchant unlock, legendary Barakas, Legendary Wilheim) and epic Blackfang from trusted with her (legendary Blackfang is insanly hard to get and is behind rng wall). Faster than my full Relic blackfang, Relic and leg barakas, leg wilhelm and epic blackfang. Heroes of Arkesia, On September 28, the Machinist Advanced Class will arrive in Arkesia. I heard that an Encavian Relic is being smuggled onto Freedom Isle. • 1 yr. Dead Waters Resistance 16. The first application the players receive is Eshu in Wavestrand Port, before setting sail for Tortoyk. Saint_Yin • 1 yr. 3, Ruffians. . Indestructible. Buy price: 200,000 Sell price: 10,000: You are not signed in! Sign in to be able to post the comments, upload screenshots, subscribe to the pages. hey guys, Here's a small something. Judaskuss. A man of unknown origin. Also was a fun excuse to play with a newer front-end web framework. More importantly you hit 31. Bound to Roster on Pickup. I live for the romance of the sea. Bound to Roster on Pickup. Here is a list of the best crew for the 3 most used ships, the Estoque, the Astray and the Ghost Ship Eibern's Wound. ago. . A special coin that is only found in Punika. Level: 1. 31. Sailor. Reputation requires at least Wisdom: 50, Courage: 70, Charisma: 70, Kindness. Relic Blackfang is a rare item that can be acquired through a variety of game activities, including completing quests, defeating monsters, and participating in special events. RNG drop. All numbers according to Papunika rapport chart. 3 Knots. 7 Knots. Base Sailing Speed +1. She's looking for Bloodclaw, the legendary pirate who went missing. I wonder if having -31 kelp opposed to 0 actually matters. A chest containing Relic items. For Astray, the most balanced crew is Relic Blackfang (mandatory), Relic Wilheim and Barakas, and Legendary Wilheim and Barakas. Buy price: 200,000. A retired Navy captain. Legendary Blackfang – super rare drop from treasure maps that you get from Sea Gates. Relic Blackfang is the speed crew member with almost more negatives than positives but you bring her along for the passive Astray simply isn't a ship that you half ass. Pickup Relic Barakas, Relic Willhelm, Legendary Barakas, Relic Blackfang, Rare Fondrin. Shy. Kelp Beds Seas Resistance -16. Sadly with this build my speed is noticable lower (I'm currently working on Epic compass to compensate 1 knot loss from Legendary Barakas since Epic Willhelm and Skin resistances provide you with 0 for lvl 4 Tempest seas which is neat). I'm working towards the Astray, so I'm thinking it might be better to use the "easy" one on Relic Blackfang and get the Estoque crew later down the road. . Buy price: 200,000. There are many unique NPC's in Lost Ark with whom you can interact daily to learn about their story with the help of Rapport Quests. This emote can be purchased from Blackfang at Freedom Isle for 3,360 Gienah’s Coin. Blackfang relic can be bought at the Island of Mist for one tear of the abyss and legendary variant by completing its quest or from a treasure map, and lastly, Fordin can be bought. Remember it's 300k for the boat, 8k sun for relic blackfang (otherwise you're stuck with epic). Pirate Coins x12. Much easier to get 8k sun coins for a Tear of the Abyss and get Relic BlackfangI recommend Relic Blackfang, Relic Barakas, Relic Wilhelm, Sophia, and another Blackfang (Legendary if you want more cold resist, Epic if you want more Siren resist). While making your Astray Ship considerably faster the Blackfang (Relic) will also increase your ship. Item acquisition methods. Never show your shadow. Skipping Nia is much more easier because she requries 20k less rapport all in all, with Blackfang you have to be at friendly 1 between 13 and 13. you get lot of rewards(to me best reward is the relic rapport items) and direct or indirect virtue points. Blackfang Crew Application Form: Pupuring Crew Application Form: Hwarin Pirate Coin x10,100 Courage +1 Kindness +1:Lost Ark Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game!think people said amicable 3 at like 7200. The team that defeats the most fish wins! If your ship durability reaches zero, you can swim to one of the green cross signs on the sides and replenish your durability. These are Sasha, Beatrice, Nineveh, and Blue-eyed Calvasus. Skins - Skin stats awards virtue points. Subline Island Quest. 2 Knots. That's quite a bit of a grind when relic blackfang is 8k sun coins, relic Wilhelm is 144k pirate coins, relic Barakas is 14k sun coins. 4K views 11 months ago. You are not signed in! Sign in to be able to post the comments, upload screenshots, subscribe to the pages, add information into the database and more! BBCode. Friendly. There's something about the deep purple hue that might bewitch you. Level: 1. In terms of resistances, Astray is largely superior as well in all the resistances that matter with the sole exception of Dead Sea resist, which Eibern has an absolute fuck ton of. Most of the coins come from doing daily island + racing event. Chest. The 260 charisma check is at the start of friendly 2, but depending on what type of gift you plan to give you have to plan where you stop in friendly 1. Buy price: 100. Crew Application Form: Blackfang. 3 Knots. Once you progress further on into Lost Ark, there are a selection of NPCs that stand out among the rest as priority picks. You can get it from the field. Mokoko Seeds are a super fun collectible in Lost Ark, and there are more than a whopping 1200 Mokoko Seeds currently available in the game. Nia is decent, skill point and wealth rune, but only if you got all others + that wealth rune is only a bit better than an epic one. •. Masterpiece # 29 Calvasus Rapport Trusted StageRelic blackfang and barakas cost 8 + 14 k sun coins. Binds when obtained Unsellable Indestructible Cannot be dismantled. Required XP. Relic Blackfang Willhelm x3 (Relic/Legendary/Epic) Relic Barakas Ship Skin +7 Storm You get good speed & max Tailwind, but horrible Kelp resistance. Siren Seas Resistance 3. Cold Snap Seas Resistance -7. For some quick gold you can consider working with some of the Punika NPC such as. 3 Knot. so basically %80+ is 10 birds with 1 stone. Zone. 8 Relic Blackfang, Relic Barakas, Legend Blackfang, Legend Barakas, Rare Fordin Astray is only a few knots faster except when fast sailing. Aside from the Relic and Legendary tier gifts, there are also the regular or the Rare tier gifts that you will obtain more often. 18. You get deterministically get 3 "Linderte Goblet". Rather fittingly, Blackfang herself has the Blackfang’s Den Island Soul. LOST ARK OFFICIAL WEBSITE. I read there is a way to skip this. Relic Barakas -> Punika Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel for 14 428 Sun Coins. For example, fully completing Blackfang's reputation gives you an epic-quality Blackfang, but Tears of the Abyss can be traded in for a relic-quality Blackfang. The charismatic captain of the Black Fox. So to skip the 260 charisma check you gotta make sure to gift bomb her before that. Tailwind. Spirit Recovery. Blackfang’s Whereabouts. " A man of unknown origin. (there's a dialogue option that requires 420 kindness too for the same npc if you care about that) 1. Chaos Gate is one of the four Procyon's Compass events in Lost Ark. Your objective is to kill as many as possible with the help of your harpoon throw (W & S).