Cortland scanner freaks. Not now. Cortland scanner freaks

 Not nowCortland scanner freaks  Recent Post by Page

Traffic is still backed up just south of the Preble exit due to a motor vehicle accident . Forgot account? or. or. Create new account. January 8 at 9:34 AM. bunch of clothes and took off in a Blue Chevrolet Colorado. ll over basement unsure if pipe burst over what the issue is. Create new account. Not now. November 11 at 7:09 PM. Police responding to Adams way for verbal argument. Log In. Yesterday at 2:57 PM. . Log In. . Caller states smoke coming from 2nd floor. . Forgot account? or. Recent Post by Page. Recent Post by Page. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Recent Post by Page. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Yesterday at 7:51 AM. Avenue/Clinton Avenue. Caller states individual in older dodge minivan threw a bunch of cans at her car denting hood and broke tail light. Cortland County Scanner Freaks October 16 at 4:17 PM Cortland stations TLC responding to CP cash and carry on Owego street for male passed out in parking lot Not sure if breathing. Recent Post by Page. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Recent Post by Page. She does reportedly have drugs on her. Law also in route. Not now. Caller states female is trying to get into the building, but the male won’t allow her to. 12 Venette Street. Cortland Stations Cortland monitors 12 Wheeler Ave 40s male overdose not conscious not breathing. Two males reportedly verbally fighting in the alley way next to the Daily Grind. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Cortland County Scanner Freaks Yesterday at 4:17 PM Cortland stations TLC responding to CP cash and carry on Owego street for male passed out in parking lot Not sure if breathing. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Front end damage to truck. Log In. Black male and white female arguing. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Forgot account? or. July 12 at 8:59 AM. 68 Hamlin Street , Person with possible heart attack . August 12 at 7:44 AM. I'll try and post a video when. Create new account. Create new account. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. 7255 Riply Hill Road, Town of Scott. lso Lowe's for a larceny male in his 20's and female in her 30's in a ford f150 See moreSee more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Cortland stations TLC ambulance 80 Maple Ave car into house. Northcliffe 500 building for a welfare check on a 4 year old running. Fled the trailer park in Cortland . Related information for Cortland County. 10,277 पसंद · 1,855 इस बारे में बात कर रहे हैं. Recent Post by Page. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. We have a select few who complain that we don’t. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Female on ground screaming. Recent Post by Page. UPDATE: 81 North bound shut down , Active chase near Tully area. Forgot account? or. Cortland stations TLC responding to CP cash and carry on Owego street for male passed out in parking lot Not sure if breathing. Forgot account? or. Cortland stations 25 South Franklin DPW for pile of mulch smoking no flames present. 129 Comments 28 Shares. Instead, it will be on the stage of Cortland Repertory Theatre. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Child sitting on the lap of an adult . . Governor lifts the mask mandate for public transportation!! Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Forgot account? or. Police responding to 7 Church St for possible squatters in basement. Police responding to the area of Clayton and Pleasant St for beer party with lots of swearing. Recent Post by Page. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Caller states hot water spraying a. Create new account. Yesterday Charles St went 2 way traffic temporarily. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Yesterday at 2:29 PM. Caller just wants him to leave the area and. Seems to be disoriented (unsure if drugs or alcohol are involved) These photos were submitted to us. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. From about an hour ago near Walmart. 2 IV Narcans administered, with an additional 12 nasal Narcans administered. Yesterday at 11:03 AM. Cortland monitors 26 Pearl St. Possibly in a gray Hyundai . . Recent Post by Page. October 17, 2021 · Hello everyone ! Please come check out this local FUN event . Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Community, Crime & Courts, Featured, News. Forgot account? or. RT11 SHUTDOWN, no traffic allowed at this time. R is there destroying the decorations in the yard . See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Log In. 3911 RT 11, Suit Kote Asphalt Storage , Tanks are blowing off and popping , calling in hazmat. Forgot account? or. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Police responding to the area of. Forgot account? or. Today at 4:25 AM. Not now. Caller states smoke coming from 2nd floor. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. . See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. One car roll over , One female with a head injurySilver Sedan , going South down 281. Create new account. Create new account. tates individuals moved traffic cones indicating that the intersection is closed. See more. August 28 at 7:24 AM. Not every scanner /. Not now. Male caller states female having trouble breathing after disturbance. September 3 at 7:59 AM. Forgot account? or. Yesterday we had a lot of people questioning the accuracy of a post when we stated a car in the Tops plaza was doing 100 mph. In the area of 7 Clayton Ave , White Jeep with the. . Unable to move. This is a tool for our community designed to better identify and avoid traffic hazards, safety hazards, dangerous traffic conditions, and local news that apply to Cortland County residents. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Yesterday at 2:57 PM. Recent Post by Page. Not now. The radio website that doesn't molest your screen with advertisements. The story could be taken from the pages of recent news: a baker who doesn’t want to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Recent Post by Page. Yesterday at 2:29 PM. Northcliffe 500 building for a welfare check on a 4 year old running. Caller. Create new account. Not now. Forgot account? or. Log In. 2 East Main St village of McGraw. June 12 at 8:32 AM. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. “Xanadu!” is a hard sell. Cortland stations TLC ambulance 80 Maple Ave car into house. I've seen people blowing through red lights and driving the wrong way up Main Street. September 20, 2021 · Cortland Monitors , College campus , 18 year old male jumping on the bed , struck his head on the ceiling fan . own a flight of stairs roughly about 12 feet with head injury. Forgot account? or. Yesterday at 2:48 PM. g toward main St. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. s for male that fell off bicycle hitting his head and not alert. Create new account. See more. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Not every scanner / Police call is posted , but we try ourSee more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Recent Post by Page. Caller states hot water spraying a. Police responding to 13 Lime Hollow Rd. 11. From about an hour ago near Walmart. Yesterday at 2:57 PM. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Forgot account? or. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Some type of vibration going through the residence. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. City side of Port Watson St bridge seatbelt inspection setup. ll over basement unsure if pipe burst over what the issue is. e Methodist Church. ‘Xanadu!’. Sounds like there is a group of people , Narcan was given prior to police arrival , but no full arrest at that time . Log In. Yesterday at 1:31 AM.